Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 12

Today's class was full of new learning and exploration.  SlideShare, Digital Wish, Google forms, Flip video cameras, and Shift Command 4! The exhilaration of trying out new tools is still clouded somewhat by how quickly I seem to forget the process for what I just did.  My old brain seems to need at least three opportunities to practice what I've learned in order for it to "stick!"  I do notice an increase in my willingness to try things and if I don't succeed, to "try, try again."  I have been amazed by my students' ability to jump right into technology and discover new skills without anxiety or fear.  I am delighted to become a bit more like them.

1 comment:

  1. Keep trying, and as Ms. Frizzle would say, "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy." So it is with technology. You're doing great, Jacque. Give yourself some time, and re-visit the really cool things that inspired you, and forget those that were just sorta cool. "Cool" management.
